Monday, September 12, 2011

Beware the payday scam

If you get a phone call from the Sheriffs department from a Mark Stone stating that you in the process of being served papers for a loan that you did not take out but someone may have using your name and banking info.
Hang up and call the police. It is a scam.
If the person on the other side of the phone mentions a law firm who is handling the matter- and the name of the firm is Levitz and Stein- hang up and call the police.
Do not be fooled by your caller ID- it will display a Montgomery County or State government number-if you were to call that number back they will answer "Sheriffs Department" Ask for the perswon who called you- he does not exist- they have no idea who who are talking about.

How do I know all this- I was a victim of such a scam and lsot three hundred dollars.

For more details- email this blog.