Monday, July 5, 2010

A Nation of ingrates

While our soldiers are getting killed in Iraq and Afghanistan- the leaders of these two corrupt governments are giving oil and mining rights to two countries that have not lost any lives- China and France.

China is the worst culprit.
They have oil rights and are reaping profits from oil production and they are in the process of achieving mining rights.

Meanwhile our soldiers continue to fight and die for two of the most corrupt nations in the world.
These Arabs do not give a damn about this country or the sacrifice our soldiers are making.
They are a bunch of moral cowards( as are the French and the Chinese).

it is about time that the USA is given the respect that is is due. It is time for these two Arab countries to publicly that us and repay their debt to us.

When we withdraw out troops- and should Iraq and Afghanistan fall into civil war- they had better not call on us- they had better ask their French and Chinese friends for help.

Let us see what their reaction will be when there is one million Chinese troops in their country.

As for the French- they won't put troops in they will probably pack up and leave.

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